Alpha Medical Hernia Trusses & Supports

Exchange & Return Policy



To exchange an item purchased from or any of our affiliates please follow these steps:

1. Place the item and all packaging in an appropriate mailing container.

2. At the bottom of the invoice that was included in the package write “exchange for” and the size (item number if you are exchanging for different item) and include it in the package.

3. Include a payment of $4.00 (Cash, Check or Money Order) for additional shipping and handling of the item.

4. Send the item back to the following address:

Alpha Medical L.L.C

303 Church St.

Rock Hill, SC 29730

*if the item has been used or worn other than normal evaluation and fitting no exchange or refund will be provided and the item will be sent back to the original address.


For a refund of an item purchased from or any of our affiliates please follow these steps:

1. Place the item and all packaging in an appropriate mailing container.

2. At the bottom of the invoice that was included in the package write “returning for refund” and include it in the package.

3. Send the item back to the following address:

Alpha Medical L.L.C

303 Church ST

Rock Hill, SC 29730

If you have any questions please contact us toll free at 1-866-547-3897 or email us at

*if the item has been used or worn other than normal evaluation and fitting no exchange or refund will be provided and the item will be sent back to the original address.

 AlphaHernia is owned and operated by Alpha Medical L.L.C.  Visit our website at 

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